Invisible Fence Brand Dog Fence

Before Owning a Pet...

By Invisible Fence® Brand on 06-04-2024

Calling all pet lovers! Pet's are a blessing and contribute love and happiness to your daily lives. But with that comes a large commitment and responsibility. There are certain things to know before owning a pet.

Responsible Pet Ownership 

Owning a pet is a big responsibility. As of 2024, 66% of people in the United States are pet owners. On the contrary, around 3.9 million dogs are abandoned or given up to shelters each year. The most important thing to understand when considering a pet is the responsibility that follows past the cute puppy phase. Pets are a lifelong commitment. It is always a good idea to make a pro and con list before making the decision of bringing a new family member into your home. 

Things to Consider 

Time – Are you home enough/have flexibility to provide your pet with the care and attention they require? 

Money – Having a pet come with costs beyond food. Pets require annual vet visits, monthly prevention medication, spaying/neutering, grooming, and more. 

Training – Dogs require training which varies from simple commands to professional help. It is crucial you make time for training your pet to prevent any unwanted behavioral issues in the future.

Advantages of Having a Pet 

According to, there are several health benefits for humans that come along with owning a pet. Interacting with animals has been shown to decrease blood pressure, stress levels, and mental struggles. “The foundations of mindfulness include attention, intention, compassion, and awareness,” Berger says. “All of those things are things that animals bring to the table. People must learn it. Animals do this innately.” Studies show that people with pets are less likely to suffer from depression than those without. 

There is a common quote stating, “A pet is not your whole life, but you are theirs.” When considering a pet, this is something to remind yourself. It is important to note that pets have feelings. Many pets who are abandoned or rehomed often suffer from anxiety and many other behavioral issues. When getting a pet, it is crucial to make sure you plan on caring for them for their whole lives.  

About Invisible Fence® Brand

At Invisible Fence® Brand, we believe pets are family. That’s why we’ve spent the last 50+ years creating innovative solutions that allow you to enjoy all the love a pet has to give – without the stress and mess. With advanced industry-leading technology, our pet containment solutions come with certified animal-behaviorist training to ensure your pet is protected, comfortable, and still has the freedom to explore the way they deserve.

Schedule your FREE in-home consultation today to learn how our GPS collarfencing solutions, and automatic pet doors can provide safe boundaries for any scenario. 

Tags: Dogs, Invisible Fence® Brand, Total Solutions