Is Your Pet Ready for the Big Game?
Invisible Fence® Brand
The Big Game is nearly here! There’s nothing better than football, food, friends, and game-day bashes to brighten up a chilly winter weekend. But all the added people, rich foods and rowdy cheering can be stressful for our pets! Don’t drop the ball – be sure you’re ready to have a ‘super’ fun football Sunday while keeping your dog or cat protected and comfy on the big day.
The Recovery: On-the-spot training probably won’t work when it comes to teaching your pet to respect your guests’ personal space on game day. Avoid awkward moments by putting your dog on a leash when guests first arrive, or put animals in a separate area of the house.
Personal Fouls
The Fumble: We love our pets’ enthusiastic welcomes and slobbery kisses. But your game-day visitors might not appreciate the close calls – or sharing their prime game-watching position and food on the sofa. You want your guests and animals to be comfortable, not crammed, to ensure a good time.The Recovery: On-the-spot training probably won’t work when it comes to teaching your pet to respect your guests’ personal space on game day. Avoid awkward moments by putting your dog on a leash when guests first arrive, or put animals in a separate area of the house.
An Invisible Fence® Brand Indoor Shields® Solution can help too! A Shields Unit will give your pets a chance to kick back in their space but on your terms! Whether you end up using the Shields Gate or Shields Plus, always make sure your pet is comfortable in their space!
The Recovery: Keep ‘em away from the food table to avoid any possible catastrophes. Make sure platters, plates, and cups stay out of paw’s reach. Feel free to clearly communicate this to your guests as well– sorry Buddy, no scraps or snacks on game day! Also, feed your pooch just before the party starts so they'll be less likely to beg guests for food. Another solution is using an Indoor Shields Unit to keep your begging pups out of the dining room or kitchen!
The Recovery: Create a secure haven where your pet can take a breather from all the excitement. Make sure the spot has some familiar toys, fresh water, and a comfy place to relax.
Defend the Spread
The Fumble: We all know that a big football food spread is not for our four-legged family members. Game-day foods like chicken wing bones and guacamole could cause pain and upset stomachs for pets, and you’ll spend less time watching the Big Game and more time tending to them.The Recovery: Keep ‘em away from the food table to avoid any possible catastrophes. Make sure platters, plates, and cups stay out of paw’s reach. Feel free to clearly communicate this to your guests as well– sorry Buddy, no scraps or snacks on game day! Also, feed your pooch just before the party starts so they'll be less likely to beg guests for food. Another solution is using an Indoor Shields Unit to keep your begging pups out of the dining room or kitchen!
Use Your Timeouts
The Fumble: Some pets can get overstimulated and stressed out around a lot of loud or unfamiliar noises, as well as new people, and there’s nothing like barking, whining or running away to get in the way of game-day vibes.The Recovery: Create a secure haven where your pet can take a breather from all the excitement. Make sure the spot has some familiar toys, fresh water, and a comfy place to relax.
Installing a Doorman™ Electronic Pet Door will help your dog or cat take breaks when they choose. You also won’t have to miss a second of the game – or commercials – letting them out to go to the restroom. Sometimes just a few minutes away from die-hard fans and rambunctious kids can make a big difference in your dog or cat’s wellbeing and temperament.
The Recovery: Place your pet in a separate room or crate while guests are arriving so they don’t make a run for it. If using another room or crate, remember to leave them familiar items, plenty of water, and to check on your pet often. But an even better solution is to install an Invisible Fence Brand Outdoor System in your front yard! If your cats or dogs do slip out, they will know their boundaries and remain safe on the property.
The Recovery: Test out your pet’s team gear in advance to make sure he is safe and comfortable. If he seems distressed or acts unusual while sporting it, you may need to make a last-minute substitution!
Avoid A Breakaway
The Fumble: With all your guests coming in and out, it might be easy for your dog or cat to slip out the front door unnoticed and, trust us, no one wants to run after them during the biggest game of the year. We’ll leave that to the running backs!The Recovery: Place your pet in a separate room or crate while guests are arriving so they don’t make a run for it. If using another room or crate, remember to leave them familiar items, plenty of water, and to check on your pet often. But an even better solution is to install an Invisible Fence Brand Outdoor System in your front yard! If your cats or dogs do slip out, they will know their boundaries and remain safe on the property.
Mind Your Mascot
The Fumble: Wearing team colors might be great for #DogsofInstagram, but even the cutest pet game-day getups could inhibit movement, sight, hearing, even breathing.The Recovery: Test out your pet’s team gear in advance to make sure he is safe and comfortable. If he seems distressed or acts unusual while sporting it, you may need to make a last-minute substitution!
*NOTE: We strongly recommend getting veterinarian approval before serving pets table scraps and always serving them in moderation.

Getting your pet ready for the Super Bowl can be a challenge but its doable with a few tips and Invisible Fence® Brand . For 45 years, Invisible Fence® Brand has helped keep dogs off guests with our solutions, industry-leading training and expertise. Learn about our Indoor and Outdoor Shields® units, Fencing Solutions, Pet Doors and more.
Tags: Cats, Dogs, Indoor Solutions, Doorman™ Electronic Pet Door, Total Solutions