Invisible Fence Brand Dog Fence
Dog sitting on yoga mat with weight for new years resolution

New Year Resolutions for Pet Owners

By Invisible Fence® Brand on 01-02-2018
Another year is here, which means the often-dreaded “R” word – Resolution – has made its way into many conversations. Whether it’s dropping a few pounds, starting a new hobby or making more time for friends and family, don’t forget these new year resolutions for pet owners. 
Here are 8 reasons why “spending more time with your pet” may be the best resolution of all. 
  1. Get Physical  Studies show that adults and kids with dogs have more active lifestyles. Our pets give us just the motivation we need to get off the couch and opt outside. Plus, you’ll save money, if you need to, by skipping a gym membership. 
  2. Healthy Tickers – Another health benefit? If we’re active with our pets we’ll probably be at lower risk for heart issues due to better circulation and lower cholesterol. And did you know that your blood pressure actually goes down whenever you pet a dog? It’s true! 
  3. Ice Breakers – If you’re thinking about starting a book club, wine club, bike club or another group, letting your dog or cat help break the ice is a great buffer for those sometimes-awkward first minutes with new folks. 
  4. Kid Action – Got a child with allergies? Pets can sometimes help! Kids who grow up with animals in the home are half as likely to develop allergies and they have stronger immune systems and are at lower risk for asthma. Another benefit? Children also develop enhanced empathy and responsibility, and stronger motor skills and social connections when there’s a pet at home. 
  5. Stressed Out? When you get QT with your favorite pooch or feline, you release the hormone oxytocin, aka the "cuddle chemical," and decrease levels of the primary stress hormone cortisol. Even simply brushing or petting your dog or cat can help you get into the “chillax” zone. What are you waiting for? 
  6. Connections – Taking your dog on errands, walks and park dates is a great way to connect and make new friends. 
  7. Play More! Sometimes we get caught up in our work and the hustle, and we forget how much we just need to let loose. Even a simple game of fetch can take our minds off our worries and make the day more fun.  
  8. Best of all – companionship. Our fur babies provide us with unconditional love, and they never let us stay sad or lonely for long. Being more mindful of our pet’s needs can give us a stronger sense of purpose and also promote more self-esteem and reduce negativity, according to HuffPost. 
All in all, it’s probably safe to say that our pets can make us better people. And isn’t that the best resolution of all? 
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Invisible Fence® Brand’s Indoor and Outdoor Solutions can help protect your animals and property, and make sure your pet feels right at home all year-round. Learn about total solutions.

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